Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Keeping our fingers crossed!

Today was another day in CCU. Justin is now scheduled for his hand flaps/graft surgery for Friday! The doctors want to make sure he is strong enough so they postponed it. We are all hoping he stays healthy until Friday. The surgery is going to be anywhere from 10-14 hours. We are nervous because it is a long surgery, and he will be on the ventilator again for 24 hours after surgery. Hopefully this will be the last big surgery.

Today was an okay day. Justin wasn't feeling great today. He had an upset stomach. Positive note he did sit up again with physical therapy (4th time in 40 days). He will not be able to get back into his wheelchair until sometime next week. We want him to stay healthy so we are trying not to expose him to anything. Tomorrow he goes back in for washouts so we are praying everything goes well. We can't afford any set backs or his surgery will be off.

Tonight we were given another reminder of how THANKFUL we are. Justin is alive and has no brain injuries. Two additional Army soldiers came into CCU tonight from Germany and both are in very critical conditions. Please pray for these soldiers and their families along with all injured and non-injured service men and women. Walking the halls of Bethesda is a reality check. It is a reminder to be thankful and not to sweat the little things in life. These military men are such a huge inspiration!

Hopefully everyone enjoyed Justin's picture. That was taken on one his best day so far. He still has a long recovery road, but we celebrate the good days. Today he was very uncomfortable and tired. We are hoping in the next few weeks that we will have more good days. More days with his great smile! I wish everyday was like that, but we are just not there yet.

Good night from a warmer day in Bethesda!


  1. I love and admire your positivity!

  2. Thank you Justin and all service men & women for the ultimate sacrifices of your lives as well all your families! Continue to be healthy and prayers for Friday's surgery. Hang in there Crabb Family! Our love, prayers and appreciation, the Olguin Family.
